Friday, June 15, 2018

Tucumcari, NM

After leaving the lake Friday morning, we arrived at Tucumcari, NM for an overnight.  We arrived at Cactus RV Park mid-afternoon, caught some late lunch at a local restaurant and hunkered down until the heat abated a bit.  Then we were ready to hit the streets in search guessed it...geocaches.  Yep, they're everywhere! 

On the main drag, Route 66, there are many, many motels.  Some of them open like this Blue Swallow Motel. Motels with garages were pretty common, as this one is.  Still being used in that way.  The old Pontiac in the picture is a 'plant', but others are being used like the mini van you can see. 

That's a 1957 Hudson Hornet.  It's just tourist bait, but I liked it anyway!  Back there where that dude is standing was one of those bean bag games.  Eloise and I played, and because she cheated, she claimed victory.  There was a cache on the property.

I recall the folks came through this city with us kids long ago, before the freeways ruined the route 66.  We traveled between Oak View, CA to Illinois relatives.  My father refused to take a motel anywhere that cost more than $6 bucks for the family.  I don't recall it being too much of a challenge.  This city is crumbling, dying and is fighting it.  The only really nice buildings were the Federal Credit Union, a couple museums and the churches.  

As we were walking we came across several murals that seemed to have a familiar touch.  Sure enough, as we got closer we could see the artist was Doug Quarles.  He is a familiar name these days in Benson, AZ where he relocated.  He's making a lot of murals around Benson, and has a gallery there where he and his wife have a really interesting shop.  If you get to Benson, be sure to stop in.  It's right on 4th Street which is really Main Street but that's not what it's called.  Don't ask me.

That is not somebody posing there, it is part of the mural.

The train is next to a building that sells and services Trane air conditioners.  Their motto is "It's hard to stop a trane".  Coincidence...I don't think so.

 Here is another mural we found by Quarles.  The little sign beside 66 says QuarlesArt.  Those are murals on the garage doors too.  One was a  1959 Cadillac, the other was an Indian motorcycle. 

Eloise took a picture through one of the garage windows.  This is what was there:

Across the street we saw this sign:

It was after business hours for the historical museum, but could  provide some amusement if you're so inclined.

This last picture is for those farmers watching the blog who would really like to let their hair fly! 

More later.

1 comment:

  1. Herschel and I went through there every year on our way to AZ but never stopped to " smell the roses.". Always in a hurry!! Enjoy!
