Wednesday, June 27, 2018

El Reno, OK

On our way from Rochester to Hutchinson we stopped for an overnight at a casino RV parking area.  There was no charge to stay and with full hook-ups, but I figure they expected to make some dough from us in the casino.  Boy, they're going to be surprised...  just going inside long enough to register we inhaled enough second hand smoke to make us choke up. 

There were some geocaches in several of the surrounding cemeteries.    They were pretty interesting.  One was one devoted to the Mennonites who came thru as pioneers, stayed and passed away.

As we were walking around in another after finding the cache, I noticed this head stone:

The Lord is my shephe-

Maybe syllables were different then??

Where the heck is that cache??

This cloud appeared to the east late in the day.  We decided to stay over another day so as to not have to drive in the storm's aftermath.  Good thing.  Wow did it ever blow and rain that night.  Even though our stabilizer jacks were solidly on the ground, the RV was getting blown around.  Oh, well.  Another free night can't be so bad.

I'm putting this in belatedly.  It's from the earlier visit to Tent Rocks, but wanted to show off the 'head nets' that we got for 2 bucks at Wally World.  If you've ever been bugged by insects flying into your ears, eyes and nose, then these are the handiest things.  There were pesky flies that simply wouldn't leave us alone back at Tent Rocks.  Eloise got hers out and used it.  I suffered along until we were out of that area. 

Stylish, no? 



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