Monday, October 1, 2018

Rindge, New Hampshire

Sam & Natalie

This is a picture of our grandson Samuel and his new bride Natalie, wedded on September 15, 2018.  This was the reason we journeyed so far east this year. 

They were married at a vegetable and flower farm in Rindge, New Hampshire, where Natalie had worked as an intern.  Here you can see the wedding venue:

The Hot House converted to Dining Facility

 The above was converted from wedding format to the dining room after the ceremony.  

Natalie's Identical Twin and Brides Maid Lauren
As you can see, the twins are really look-alikes!  Jessica, Sam's sister, was Sam's "attendant" 

The fellow doing the officiating was the owner of the farm, Natalie's sometimes boss, and Justice of the Peace for the State of New Hampshire.

Some Munchies and All Kinds of Spirits

The 'barn' cleans up pretty good, garlic and all!

It's not polite to ask who won...

Kim's sister Ginger, Kim's daughter Jessica, Kim and Eloise

Some of the Attendees were charter bused in from a nearby city

Dinner is served

Dinner was brought to these tables.  Flowers and veggies no problem on a farm!

Dance floor, er, rug, for dancing that night

Sam with Mom 

R to L: Sam's sister Jessica, dad John, John's SO, Frank is Kim's SO, Kim, Sam, Natalie, Natalie's parents, Natalie's twin Lauren & her SO, Natalie's brothers

 We parked our motorhome at the house that belonged to the parents of the owner of the farm.  They were gracious to let Kim and several others take over their large house for several days before and following the wedding.  (They wisely left and went to Michigan to their other house.)  The curving driveway was steep and narrow and pine tree limbs dragged on our roof as we got to the house.  Fortunately, their son-in-law came by and removed several limbs for us that would no doubt have given us trouble as we backed down the hill.

The Happy Couple

Click below, if you dare, to see pictures that daughter Ginger and husband Duane took.  The professional pictures are not yet available.  If anyone cares, I will be posting that link here when it comes in.

Click here to see many, many pictures of the wedding:

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