Thursday, July 5, 2018

Leavenworth, Kansas

Buffalo Soldier Monument

Fort Leavenworth Museum

Leavenworth Historical Musuem

Weston Bend State Park

There's lots to do in Leavenworth.  Be sure to visit the Fort museum, stop to view the Buffalo Soldier Monument and check out the historic buildings there also.  If you're not military, there is a visitor check in area on 4th street.

We came here this year to visit with daughter Ginger and her husband Duane.  A bonus this visit was that granddaughter Lauren and family were also visiting here giving us an opportunity to see the great grands again!  Yea!

We are staying at Weston Bend, a Missouri State Park, .  The park has some 50 amp sites, most have some shade.  Missouri doesn't seem to believe in putting water or sewer at the sites, but potable water is available at the dump station or several random locations around the park.  Because we are dealing with the 4th of July holiday, we had to take a 30 amp site which means we can only run a single A/C at a time.  In this near 100 degree heat, it's been a challenge to stay cool when in the rig.  Mostly we were in Lansing with the kids though.  Lansing is town bordering Leavenworth.

Clockwise:  Ginger, Joe & Betty Robertson, Berneice  Allen, Eloise
We were pleased to arrange a lunch get-together with two of Eloise's sisters, and Bro-in-Law Joe.  Berneice lives in St Joseph, and Joe and Betty live in Belton, MO.  The eatery was the Bee Cafe in Platte City, MO.  Good food, we can recommend it!

Lauren, Natalie, 2 strangers and Ginger with Finn

After a nice supper at an Italian restaurant, Natalie had a chance to run amok in the water area next to the restaurant.  She sure had a good time.

Our last day in this area was spent at the Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead.  Only 2 bucks admission to a pretty nice petting zoo.  Natalie wasn't so very interested in the many animals, but seemed to like running around!  

Baby goat bottle feeding

Click on Arrow

Yes, you're so cute!

Grandma Ginger showing Natalie how to milk a cow.

Last picture was designed to show how cows are milked, however Natalie was more interested in playing in the water buckets.

So, that was our week.  Next we spend a couple days on the road, and will see Kim on Sunday from Babler; another Missouri State Park near St Louis.


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